微比恩 > 信息聚合 > 智能汽车软件平台公司Eatron宣布完成1100万美元A轮融资,加速全球扩张


2021-11-19 20:35:00来源: 美通社

英国华威2021年11月20日 /美通社/ -- 智能汽车软件平台供应商Eatron®宣布完成1100万美元的A轮融资。本轮融资由MMC Ventures领投,此外 Aster Capital(阿斯特资本)和越南车企 Vinfast皆有参与。 Eatron®, a fast-growing scale-up with its unique ‘intelligent automotive software’ platform for the edge and the cloud, announced that it raised $11M in its Series-A round led by MMC Ventures with participation from Aster Capital and Vinfast. Eatron, which is headquartered in

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